At Duis, there is absolutely no Duis when it comes to returns of the product. We offer an incredibly easy and simplified return policy to our customers.

Return and Refund

  • In case the package seal of the items ordered is broken, Please do not accept the product as such orders will not be acceptable in case of returns.
  • In case you want to initiate a return, you must ensure that the products that are being returned must be unused, unwashed and must have all the tags intact during the time of return.
  • Returns of the products are accepted within 7 days of delivery of the product and the refund can be expected within 10-15 days after the return of the product. The refund will be done through the same payment mode from which the payment was done.
  • In Case of refund for Cash on Delivery items, the refund will be initiated after the customer shares the details of the bank account through call or email.
  • Once the returned product reaches us, a quality check of the items will be performed by us and after the returned products qualify with all the requirements of the return policy, the refund will be initiated.
  • In case of return, please ensure that the returning items are packed securely and you are using a reliable courier service to self-ship the products to prevent any further loss or damage to the product.
  • If the returned item does not meet the return requirements, it will not be accepted and will be returned back to the customers at their own expense.
  • A notification email would be sent to the customer when the return request is accepted and also when the refund is initiated.
  • If you want to exchange a product, you will get a discount of 10% on your next purchase.
  • All the items included in the Final Sale will not be eligible.



    • Cancellation requests can be raised for the items ordered within 24 hours from the time of initiating the purchase of the order. You can either email with your order Id along with the reason for cancellation.
    • Make sure to initiate the return request from the same ID that was used while ordering from the website. You can send cancellation requests on
    • Orders once shipped from the warehouse cannot be cancelled.
    • We do not offer a return pickup facility yet. Therefore, you are requested to ship the returned product back to us.
    • Please pack the items carefully so that there is no damage during transit. If you have received a defective product, the shipping charges will be borne by the company and if the customer has placed the wrong order by mistake, then he/she will have to bear the shipping cost.

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